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示例:The project will cost millions to complete. 与其他单位连用时: 当与'hundreds'或'thousands'等词叠加描述更大数量时,需保持复数形式。 示例:Hundreds of millions of stars are visible in the night sky. 四、常见错误辨析 混淆具体与泛指: 错误:She saved two millions...
Japanese Yen Malaysian Ringgit New Zealand Dollar Norwegian Krone Polish Zloty Romanian Leu Singapore Dollar Swedish Krona Swiss Franc Turkish Lira Are you overpaying your bank? Banks often advertise free or low-cost transfers, but add a hidden markup to the exchange rate. Wise gives you the real...
A:About 80 million dollars. 大概8千万元。 B:Whoah. 哇。 million 网络解释 1. 一百万:不过,道琼蓝筹股之一的宝碱公司,股价一度没有理由大跌高达两成,市场盛传极可能是交易员下单错误,把一百万(million)看作十亿(billion),引发卖压. million 双语例句 ...
9,600 dollars.D. 9,600 Japanese yen.2 When was the first mandarinorange auction for the season?AA. On 5th November.B. On 5th June.C. On 5th January.D. On 5th December.3 What's the meaning of theunderlined word “shipped” in Chinese?A.开船BB.运输C.售卖D.打包Which of the ...
This is part of a total package worth 15.3 billion yen (139.3 million dollars) to be allocated in accordance with public health priorities, said the Japanese government. The money is expected to be used to develop virus test kits and a possible vaccine as well as support more hospitals in ...
Anothercommonuseofmillionistodenotecurrencydenominations.Forexample,ifyouweretosaythatacertainitemcosts2millionyeninJapan,youwouldbeusingmilliontoexpressacurrencydenomination.Similarly,ifyouweretosaythatacertainhouseispricedat1.5milliondollars,youwouldbeusingmilliontodenoteacurrencydenomination.Quantities ...
In examining the recent depreciation of the yen, no story is more revealing than that coming out of China regarding former adult video starlet Rola Misaki
The article reports on the plan of Development Bank of Japan (DBJ) to invest over 100 billion Japanese yen or about 831 million dollars for Mitsubishi Rejional Jet (MRJ) development including facilities to build, maintain and repair MRJ and for capital investment in suppliers of parts.Airfinance...
aI love to eat chese and pizza,but its not easy to make good pizza.If i won a million dollars,id buy the best pizza restaurant and eat pizza every day. 我爱吃chese和薄饼,但它不容易做好薄饼。如果我赢取了一百万美元, id购买最佳的薄饼餐馆和吃薄饼 每天。[translate]...