was above360metric tonnes;thepolicy discussions on those matters under agenda [...] multilateralfund.org multilateralfund.org 会议上指出,印度尼西亚的氟氯烃淘汰管理计划所提议的是到 2015 年解决 10%以 上的基准数,而该国的氟氯烃的总消费量超过360公吨;因此,在议程项目 8(a) (项目审 核期间查明问题...
to contain7.6million tonnesofzinc,1.6million tonnesofcopper,1.3million tonnesoflead,110millionounces silver and 0.6 million ounces gold. mmg.com mmg.com 截至二零一二年六月三十日,MMG可採儲量(含金屬量)之估計包括鋅7.6百萬噸、銅1.6 百萬噸、鉛1.3百萬噸、銀110百萬盎司及黃金0.6百萬盎司。
9 million metric tonnes of carbon dioxide each year around the world when they uproot soil. That is equivalent to the emission of 1. Imillion cars "Wild pigs are found on every continent except Antarctica but are native throughout most of Europe, Asia, and parts of northern Africa," says...
aThe European Commission estimates that 510 million metric tonnes of construction waste is generated annually by European Union member nations. Keeping these materials out of landfills prevents ground and water pollution, promotes recycling, and keeps materials in active use longer. 欧共体估计510百万公尺...
To minimize its environmental footprint, the University of Birmingham has added Lenovo’s CO2 offset services to their entire fleet of Lenovo devices. In the six months since enrolling in the program, the University has offset 1,313 metric tonnes of carbon, supporting projects...
Government announces certain components to achieve production of 5 MMT On 4th January 2023, the Union Cabinet approved the National Green Hydrogen Mission with an outlay of ₹ 19,744 crore. The Mission targets a production capacity of 5 Million Metric Tonnes (MMT...
GLOBAL POLYETHYLENE DEMAND TO EXCEED 100 MILLION METRIC TONNES IN 2018, SAYS IHS MARKIT STUDYThe growing global plastics sustainability movement is one of the biggest potential disrupters for the plastics industry and is putting future plastics resin demand and billions of dollars of industry ...
Removing carbon can cost more than $300 per metric tonne in a world that each year emits greenhouse gases equivalent to about 50 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide. By 2050, some 10 billion tonnes of carbon capture may be needed, by some estimates. "I think this is one ...
amount of vitamins, proteins, and minerals, as well as anti-inflammatory properties, which are essential for blood pressure reduction and improvement for mental health and bone health. According to Renub Research analysis, theglobal crab marketwill be3.7 MillionMetric Tonnes by the end of the year...
The Dumai plant has an annual production capacity of 160,000 metric tonnes of fatty alcohol per year. Sales of the vegetable-based alcohols will primarily focus on Asia. The plant will also service demand from Sinar Mas Cepsa's surfactant plant in Germany, which serves markets in Eastern and...