1.(Forestry) an industrial establishment where timber is sawn into planks, etc 2.(Forestry) a large sawing machine Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
通往卡尔顿公园工业区罗纳德巷的人行道(Footpath to Ronald Lane on Carlton Park Industrial Estate) 从人行道到柏油台阶向烟灰道一侧望去(Looking towards Ashway Side from the footpath down to Tarr Steps) 从停车场的人行道向高尔夫球场望去(Looking from the car park footpath towards the golf course) ...
Jon is truly a master of his craft. I know it’s as an entrepreneur many times we think that we can do everything but trust me there’s a real science behind web design and SEE. The rules change by the minute. I have learned to stay in my lane of real estate… More ...
Adlington WwTW to Bonis Hall Lane Rising Main, Cheshire-Rapid Walkover Survey, Watching Brief and Evaluation This comprised a walkover survey, excavation of a series of evaluation trenches at the site of Adlington Mill (Site 10) and a permanent presence ... C Robinson,T Mace,A Bates - 《...
庄园皇家工业区和盖特威克机场之间的牧场, 克劳利附近, 西苏塞克斯(Pasture between Manor Royal Industrial Estate and Gatwick Airport, Near Crawley, West Sussex) 亨比霍姆别墅酒店, 肠脚(Humbie Holm cottage, Enterkinfoot) 达夫林大道和卡斯特沃德湾之间的耕地(Arable land between Dufferin Avenue and Castleward...