there is no theory-free standpoint from which” [246], these entities can be viewed. This means, as valuable observational predictions are usually all derived from theory there is no theory-independent criterion of reality that can be used in an accepted way. The goal is to define and succes...
This paper has discussed the analysis of kinematic data from Milky Way dwarf spheroidals, with a primary motivation of (1) understanding physical quantities that are well-constrained by the data and (2) understanding the systematics that underly the determination of the dark matter masses of these...
A statistical analysis of microlensing data from 2002–07 reveals that stars in the Milky Way are orbited by planets as a rule, rather than an exception. Most of the extrasolar planets known so far were discovered using methods biased towards planets tha
This Hubble Deep Field Image was made from a stack of 276 frames. Credit: Robert Williams and the Hubble Deep Field Team (STScI) andNASAviaHubbleSite In the video tutorial below, I walk through the techniques that I use to combine several exposures of the Milky Way using Adobe Photoshop. ...
Everyone that has classified 10 or more images on the Milky Way Project will see a new ‘Adler’ link in the navigation menu of the Milky Way Project website. If you click the link you’ll see a personalised voucher that you can print off and take along to the Adler to get free admi...
Scientists have known about free-floating planets that aren't attached to any star, but a new study tells us just how many there are.