Kapteyn's work to map the Sidereal System was based on star counts. Now that we know that the Stellar System is comparable to many external spiral galaxies, this information can be used to further constrain models for the structure of our Galaxy. It is now possible to also use surface ...
Compared to other galaxies, the Milky Way is a peaceful place. But it hasn't always been so sleepy. In 2010, a team of scientists working at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics discovered a pair of "Fermi bubbles" extending tens of thousands of light-years above and below the ...
The Milky Way is a large barred spiral galaxy, with a relatively small bar compared to most galaxies of a similar size. A central bar (or central bulge) is a circular to oval shaped structure of old stars which lies at the center of spiral galaxies. What is the biggest planet in the ...
The Milky Way's system of small, orbiting satellite galaxies is quite unusual, a new 12-year study of other galaxies in the local universe has found. The Satellites Around Galactic Analogs (SAGA) survey is being conducted by a small group of astronomers to learn how the Milky Way and its...
Astronomers say the remnant (残骸) of the most recent supernova could provide clues to a long-standing mystery about why so few supernovae seem to explode in our galaxy, compared to other galaxies. Astronomers using NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and the Very Large Array radio telescope ...
And yet, our galaxy is only a middle-weight when compared to other galaxies in the local Universe. Andromeda, the closest major galaxy to our own, is about twice as large as our own. It measures 220,000 light years in diameter, and has an estimated 400-800 billion stars within it. ...
"The center of our galaxy is relatively calm when compared to other galaxies with very active central black holes," said Ian Heywood from Oxford University, who is the first author of the paper. "Even so, the Milky Way's central black hole can -- from time to time -- become uncharacter...
physics of galaxy formation and the physics of dark matter,” said Risa Wechsler, a professor of physics at Stanford University. “But the Milky Way is only one system and may not be typical of how other galaxies formed. That’s why it’s critical to find similar galaxies and compare ...
Compared to other nuclear star clusters, the Milky Way nuclear star cluster is on the compact side of the r(eff) - M-NSC relation. The underestimation of the SMBH mass might be caused by the kinematic misalignment and a stellar population gradient. But it is also possible that there is ...
5. Researchers [167] have shown how baryonic dissipation can flatten out cuspy spikes in the center of galaxies and help understand the relative paucity of observed satellites compared to numbers of DM clumps predicted in computer simulations [168]. We note that the observations of the centers ...