Swamp Milkweed, Butterfly Weed, Butterfly Flower Featured Plant: Asclepias angustifolia 'Sonoita' Asclepias, pronounced as-KLEE-pee-as, is a genus of North American native flowering plants, commonly known as milkweeds, that include over 100 species of hardy perennials that are fragrant, colorful...
院子里的沼泽乳草Swamp Milkweed 此地另有一种橙色花的同属植物蝴蝶草,Butterfly Weed,同时在野外日照充足的草地中开放。蝴蝶草没有乳草高大,然而花色鲜艳夺目,远远就能看到它们快乐火焰一样的花朵。刚搬到此地,在一片公路边的保留绿地中第一次看到它们时,那种惊讶和快乐现在还记得,而几年以后那片绿地因为修交流道被...
美 英['mɪlkwiːd] na.【植】马利筋 网络乳草;乳草属植物;马利筋草 复数:milkweeds 英汉 英英 网络释义 na. 1. 【植】马利筋 例句 释义: 全部,马利筋,乳草,乳草属植物,马利筋草
[1] B[2] B[3] D[4] cutdown[5] spendChristmaswith[6] Both; and[7] attractourattention[1] 【答案】B【核心短语/词汇】butterfly蝴蝶;milkweed乳草【翻译】这只蝴蝶在乳草上产卵。【解析】本题考查词义辨析。lie动词,躺,撒谎,其过去式lay,过去分词是lain;lay动词,产卵,放置,过去式是laid,其过去...
Overall a monarch butterfly is no more or less striking than its host, themilkweedpod. 大体上,帝王蝴蝶和其宿主奶草豆荚谁也不比谁更显眼或更平庸. 互联网 Ovalmilkweedsomehow returned to the restored barren although it grows nowhere else in the state. ...
poke milkweedphr. 沟槽毛利筋 milkweed butterfly斑蝶 milkweed fibre马利筋属纤维 poison milkweedphr. 马尾马利筋 相似单词 milkweedn.【植】马利筋;乳草属植物;野参类 Weabbr. 1.Weber number 韦伯数 wepron. 1. 我们,咱们 2. 人们 3. 朕,寡人(指皇帝、女王或教皇的自称) ...
Common Milkweed and Butterfly Weed need little water and thrive in a drier environment. Swamp and Tropical Milkweed need to be watered but not overwatered Water plants if the soil is dry, but avoid overwatering (especially during early dormancy). ...
3.(Plants)orange milkweedanother name forbutterfly weed 4.(Animals) another name formonarch3 Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
读音:美英 milkweed butterfly基本解释 乳草斑蝶;马利筋蝶 分词解释 milkweed乳草属植物 butterfly蝴蝶 milkweed butterfly是什么意思 milkweed butterfly怎么读 milkweed butterfly在线翻译 milkweed butterfly中文意思 milkweed butterfly的解释 milkweed butterfly的发音 milkweed butterfly意思是什么 milkweed butter...
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A conservation group is planting more than 30,000 milkweed plants in California in the hope of giving Western monarch butterflies new places to breed.