Throughout human history, humans in pursuit of socioeconomically viable and nutritionally rich food sources have domesticated various milk-producing species. Yak milk surpasses cow and human milk in terms of protein and total amino acid content....
Milk is produced by the cow from her blood, and a large amount of food is necessary for maintenance of a high producing cow. The products of digestion and absorption enter the blood and are carried to the udder. There the raw materials are collected and changed into milk components. Each ...
Cow’s milk (bovine species) is by far the principal type used throughout the world. Other animals utilized for their milk production includebuffalo(in India, China, Egypt, and the Philippines), goats (in the Mediterranean countries),reindeer(in northern Europe), and sheep (in southern Europe...
The conformation of cow udder used to be one of the important criteria for predicting milk production performance3,4. Udder measurements are important for the prognosis of udder health status and functionality of milk production in dairy cows. The morphology and anatomy of cow udder has long been...
Milk productionin the United States in 2003 totaled 170 billion pounds, resulting from the tireless efforts of 9 million cows in more than 70,000 dairy herds (USDA, 2004b). Production is concentrated in 20 states, which house 7.8 million cows producing 147 billion pounds of milk. California ...
Goats secrete milk in the same way as other lactating domestic animals. The composition of goat milk, like that of other species, is influenced by several factors. From Table 1.1 it appears that gross composition of goat milk is almost similar to that of the cow. However, the ratio of cas...
Pastoralists in eastern Ethiopia believe that cheese can be made from camel milk by blending it with milk of other species (Seifu 2007). Mehaia (1993b) indicated Domiati cheese with acceptable quality (composition and flavor) and a satisfactory yield can be made by mixing camel with cow milk...
The enzymes in milk come either from the cow’s udder or from bacteria. The former are normal constituents of milk and are called original enzymes. The latter, bacterial enzymes, vary in type and abundance according to the nature and size of the bacterial population. Several of the enzymes ...
Dairy cows grazing low pre-grazing herbage mass swards that are of high quality have lower CH4 emissions (per cow and per kg milk solids produced) compared to cows grazing poor quality high pre-grazing herbage mass swards [26]. Incorporating other species into grassland swards can also reduce...
and miR-148a compared to cow milk. Mimic miR-27b transfection in CRC cells induced higher cytotoxic effects (p< 0.01) compared to miR-15b and miR-148a. Moreover, miR-27b overexpression in HCT116 and HT-29 cells (miR-27b+) induced apoptosis, mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS), ...