Define milk runs. milk runs synonyms, milk runs pronunciation, milk runs translation, English dictionary definition of milk runs. n. Slang A routine trip, usually involving stops at many places. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, F
Milk of magnesia (magnesium hydroxide) is most commonly found as a liquid. The magnesium in the liquid can both neutralize excess stomach acid to treat indigestion and, if taken in slightly larger doses, act as a saline laxative. This means that the magnesium works to pull salt or a saline...
Let it go. Magnesia Milk. Rapid relief for your constipation. 涵盖全球100万精选案例,涉及2800个行业,包含63000个品牌 热门节日97个,23个维度智能搜索 项目比稿 品类案例按时间展现,借鉴同品牌策略,比稿提案轻松中标 创意策划 任意搜索品牌关键词,脑洞创意策划1秒呈现 ...
milk of magnesia milk pan Milk parsley Milk pea Milk pie milk powder milk pox milk pudding milk punch Milk River milk round milk run milk shake milk sickness milk snake Milk stool milk stout milk sugar milk thistle Milk thrush milk toast ▼ Full browser ? ▲ milk it/something dry, to Mil...
Equate Milk of Magnesia Saline Laxative, Original Flavor, 1200 mg, 26 fl oz: Cramp-free, overnight relief Stimulant free Alcohol 0.4% Kosher Original flavor 26 fl oz bottle Milk of Magnesia with measuring cap Relieves occasional constipation (irregularity) Generally produces bowel movement in 30...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Chanidae (redirected frommilkfish) Dictionary Wikipedia Chanidae [′kan·ə‚dē] (vertebrate zoology) A monospecific family of teleost fishes in the order Gonorynchiformes which contain the milkfish (Chanos chanos), distinguished by the lack of teeth. ...
Define milk pan. milk pan synonyms, milk pan pronunciation, milk pan translation, English dictionary definition of milk pan. milk pan. Translations. English: milk pan n bollilatte m inv. Italian / Italiano: bollilatte m inv.
Define milk punch. milk punch synonyms, milk punch pronunciation, milk punch translation, English dictionary definition of milk punch. n a spiced drink made of milk and spirits Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 ©
Google Share on Facebook milk round (redirected frommilk rounds) Encyclopedia n 1.(Commerce) a route along which a milkman regularly delivers milk 2.(Education) a.a regular series of visits, esp as made by recruitment officers from industry to universities ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook milk cap (redirected fromMilk caps) Thesaurus milk cap n (Plants) any of a large genus (Lactarius) of basidiomycetous fungi that are brittle to touch and exude a milky liquid when crushed. Some are funnel-shaped and some parasol-shaped, and most, except ...