Roy Van Den Hurk, CEO of Milk New Zealand Dairy Limited told SFC reporter that his company starting from a small one in 2019 and has grown with the CIIE along the way. "We've taken the opportunity with the open policy and with the transition facilities that have occurred in different yea...
新西兰乳品有限公司于2013年03月26日申请了名称为NEW ZEALAND DAIRY MILK LIMITED的第29类商标,商标注册号为12324172,由北京捷鼎知识产权代理有限责任公司代理申请。
NEW ZEALAND DAIRY MILK LIMITED主营奶制品、水、肉类、海鲜等,经国家工商部门批准注册,NEW ZEALAND DAIRY MILK LIMITED具备奶制品、水的招商代理资格。NEW ZEALAND DAIRY MILK LIMITED优质的产品质量,广阔的市场前景,丰厚的代理待遇,强大的代理优势,让您创业投资不再难。NEW ZEALAND DAIRY MILK LIMITED热诚欢迎各位有志...
Roy Van Den Hurk, CEO of Milk New Zealand Dairy Limited told SFC reporter that his company starting from a small one in 2019 and has grown with the CIIE along the way. "We've taken the opportunity with the open policy and with the transition facilities that have occurred in different yea...
乳品新西兰有限公司于2013年03月26日申请了名称为DAIRY MILK OF NEW ZEALAND LTD的第29类商标,商标注册号为12324171,由北京捷鼎知识产权代理有限责任公司代理申请。
Synlait was founded to ensure that global consumers were able to access some of the best that New Zealand dairying had to offer. It’s all about partnering people who are passionate about business excellence, integrity and quality of product, with top quality milk and farming practices. That’...
Weight (kg): 25 Place of Origin: New Zealand Brand Name: Fonterra Model Number: 5263214 Other Products Full Cream Milk Powder 25kg 25 Kg Full Cream Milk Powder Skimmed Milk Powder 25Kg Quality Skimmed Milk Powder Company Profile Name: United Dairy NZ Main Products: Butter Business Typ...
Oatly and Nespresso Partner to Launch Limited-Edition Coffee Blend February 3, 2025 NespressoOatly Milk- and Dairy Alternatives MYOM Gains First Retail Listing at Whole Foods UK, Enabling Consumers to Make Their Own Oat Milk February 3, 2025 MYOMWhole Foods Market Sponsored Sponsored Post ...
商务委员会公平贸易总经理Vanessa Horne表示,新西兰在高品质乳制品方面建立了良好的声誉,“Milkio利用这一声誉来推广自己的产品,使用‘来自新西兰干净的绿色牧场’(from the clean green pasture-based dairy farms in New Zealand)和‘在纯净的新西兰生产和制造’(produced and manufactured in pristine New Zealand)等...