Prosecution Pilot Program, Racial Disparities, Racial Injustice, Racial Justice, Rape, Remote Military Installations, Safe-to-Report Policy, Sexual Assault, Special Inspector General, Suicide, Transparency, UCMJ, UCMJ Reform, Violent Extremism, Whistleblower, Whistleblower Protections, White Supremacy | Le...
Government Accountability Office (GAO) which examined the oversight of military whistleblower reprisal investigations by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD). Topics include the average investigation time for closed cases, the case management system developed by the Office of Inspector General of the...
Department of Defense's (DOD) Military Whistleblower Reprisal Program. The steps to be taken by the DOD for improving processing times of the investigations are suggested which include implementing policies to ensure accurate recording of processing time of cases, analyzing data, and updating the ...