According to the severity and characteristics of the pathological changes, the narrow sense of military TBI refers to concussion, blast injury and functional sequelae of the traumatic brain. Of the three, mTBI is the leading cause of those injuries. It should be noted that concussion is a common...
According to the severity and characteristics of the pathological changes, the narrow sense of military TBI refers to concussion, blast injury and functional sequelae of the traumatic brain. Of the three, mTBI is the leading cause of those injuries. It should be noted that concussion is a common...
President Obama's Brain Initiative is also providing additional impetus for these efforts. Unfortunately, the understanding of the acute and chronic effects of mTBI on the brain remains limited. Gratefully, there is hope that through innovative research, there will be advances in elucidating the ...
The hope is that some day, a wireless, implantable device will bridge gaps in the injured brain and make it easier to remember basic events, places, and context—known as declarative memories. This kind of recall can be lost in traumatic brain injury, which has affected 270,00 US military ...
Neutrophils are traditionally viewed as first responders but have a short onset of action in response to traumatic brain injury (TBI). However, the heterogeneity, multifunctionality, and time-dependent modulation of brain damage and outcome mediated by neutrophils after TBI remain poorly understood. Met...
Share this article Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:Get shareable link Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative Keywords Health Risk Factor Military Personnel Law Enforcement Musculoskeletal Injury Mental Health Chronic DiseaseDownload...
Share this article Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:Get shareable link Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative Keywords Health behaviors Military families Health-related quality of lifeDownload...
(ETS) Transportation Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) Travel assistance Travel, Space A flights Veterans Day promotions Veterans service organizations Veteran stories Voting Wedding Wishes granted Wounded warrior families Operation We Are Here Flyers to print and share Follow us on resources Shopping & ...
Holistic Care in the Us Military I—-The Epidaurus Project: An Initiative in Holistic Medicine for the Military Health System, 2001—2012: Foote, F.O., et al., Holistic Care in the US Military I-The Epidaurus Project: An Initiative in Holistic Medicine for the Military Health System, ....
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is common among military personnel and the civilian population and is often followed by a heterogeneous array of clinical, cognitive, behavioral, mood, and neuroimaging changes. Unlike many neurological disorders that have a characteristic abnormal central neurologic area(s)...