KO'd 9 crdt hrs/instr'd 6 FTAC PDC's--keyed edu pursuit f/2 NCOs...blazed pth f/36 future ldrs - Pursued professional development; attended principles of instruction course--sharpened instructor acumen/mgmt skill - Read Art of War by Sun Tzu; enhanced leadership/military strategy/tactics ...
Basic Training vs. Boot Camp Basilone’s Jizz Batphone Batt Boy Battalion Becky Battalion Bicycle Battle Bitch Battle Boo Battle Buddy BB Stackers BCG BCP Beans and Baby Dicks Beans and Bullets Bear Bearmat Beasting Beat Feet Beat up Bag Beat up by a Ghost Beat your Face Beat your Meat Be...
OPS CRS SOA LIFE SPT TECHN BMQ MH-47 INSTRUCTOR PILOT FNDTNS/SPACE CTRL PLNG BCCS ADMIN 2 WKS Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y 38 Do not use the below resident education codes for online training courses...