The organizational structure of themilitaryis comprised of a power hierarchy that is known as thechain of command(Exum, Coll, & Weiss, 2011). This power hierarchy is critical in defining the role and status (Sherif & Sherif, 1969) of each individual within the organization. People know where...
“In one of the largest water contamination cases in U.S. history, up to 1 million people who lived or worked at Camp Lejeune from 1953 to 1987 may have been exposed to a drinking water supply contaminated with chemicals that have been linked to severe health problems, including cancers and...
One of the best military museums I have been in. This is a comparatively small museum, however it is spread over three floors. It is packed with military weaponry and equipment from the middle ages to present day. The displays are expertly laid out with considerable attention to...
in the art of sailing. The standardfighting shipin the English navy became thegalleon, a ship with two or three decks carrying its main batteries in the broadside and its lighter guns fore and aft. Such were the ships that won the great English victory in 1588 over the SpanishArmada, ...
The details and implications of NATO and U.S. military aid and efforts to arm Ukraine are the subject of several articles. It is evident that there is concern for the unified support that Ukraine is getting from the West, but there remains a confidence in the narrative surrounding Russian ca...
Asshipping containersare getting more and more applications fromskate parkstoswimming pools, it is becoming very obvious that we haven’t seen everything that these steel crates can do. Now they developing a different kind of shipping container system for military andmaritimeindustry. ...
Lots of actors have played soldiers. However, there are many entertainers who actually had a military background. That was especially true back in the day, when future, and sometimes current, actors and musicians ended up getting drafted. In honor of Mem
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Generation after generation, our veterans and their families have put their nation and the needs of others ahead of themselves. We are proud of our U.S. military community employees and provide an inclusive culture to ensure career success. Search our jobs for career opportunities that will utili...
are background information to equip individuals for the journey as they wander through the fog to sense the unknown or as they look toward the horizon to explore the edge of our current thinking. That expedition starts below, perhaps surprisingly, with reviewing the very nature of the human spe...