Apply college credit toward your degree for military training and experience you already have Provide counseling and support services for veterans Honor a tradition of respect and admiration for military service Earmark scholarship and grant money for veterans, service members, and their families ...
If you're an Active-Duty Service member, Veteran or Military Spouse, you may be eligible to apply for our Military Scholarships Essay Contest!
MYCAA stands for My Career Advancement Account Scholarship, and with this program, you could receive $4,000 towards your education. This might be able to pay for an entire certificate program or get you started with your education. In order to qualify, you will need to be a spouse of an...
No-Cost Online Career Training for Active Military Spouses What is MyCAA? The My Career Advancement Account Scholarship Program (MyCAA) is a workforce initiative for spouses of active duty service members developed by the Department of Defense's Spouse Education and Career Opportunities (SECO) prog...
Our mission is to empower military, veterans and their families through education and tuition assistance program information for college & universities. Quick MatchSchool SearchScholarship Finder Featured Military & Veteran College Scholarships and Grants Finder ...
Apply for's Scholarship for Military Spouses and Children here! Find information to support your studies as a student who is a spouse or dependent of a U.S. military member and pursing a degree.
Education and Career Opportunities The Department of Defense Spouse Education and Career Opportunities program provides Education and Career Guidance to military spouses worldwide and offers comprehensive resources and tools for all stages of your career ...
Are you aware the military has a scholarship program for military spouses? Some refer to it as the Spouse Tuition Assistance Program, but it is officially known as the My Career Advancement Account Scholarship or MyCAA. The program is run through the Department of Defense. It is designed to ...
We can honestly say that CollegeRecon isGOLDEN. CollegeRecon’s unique militaryplatform, resources and active involvement in our program’s success is unparalleled. They get in front of the military audience better than a lot of our tactics because they are more experienced in this area. Their ...
As the great Wayne Gretzky once said, “You’ll miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” Free CNA Scholarship for the Military and Their SpousebyTiffany Michaels