Find military spouse employment resources and tips from experts. Get tips on building a resume and standing out in an interview. See more tips.
Take a skills assessment to help you decide your next career! Take assessment now How do we help you? Discover Jobs Discover what jobs match up with your current skills. Multiple Resume Formats Build the resume of your dreams using our simple interface to get your experience down on paper. ...
You can teach this course for your Active Duty Military Spouse Employment programs. Become a Certified Federal Job Search Trainer / Certified Federal Career Coach®. Check out the program and class dates here: GET HELP WITH...
The Resources to Help A significant part of Miranda’s job search included using all of the resources available to her with her membership. She learned how to tailor her resume to the job she was applying to and the importance of researching companies before applying and interviewing. She also...
Lack of industry:Your specialized degree and impressive resume may do you little good when you move to a remote military community without jobs in your field. While these challenges may slow you down, they should by no means stop you from pursuing a career while your spouse is in the milita...
or sailor. your family and all your belongings are packed to make the journey to a new posting in a place not of your choosing. there, you will need to set up and maintain your household in a new community, while your spouse is deployed or training in his or her new job with unique...
How Hard-Hit Milspouse Businesses Can Find Help in the Coronavirus Economy COVID-19 is bringing the U.S. economy to a grinding halt. American small businesses will be the hardest hit. How to Evaluate Offers, Get More $$$ and Avoid a Bridge Job After the Military ...
Since there hasn’t been meaningful change in the spouse unemployment rate, there needs to be “a full baseline assessment,” according to the white paper. NMSN recommends thatDefense Departmentset this up — a way to help everyone involved in the effort measure the effectiveness of their progr...
Find resume guidance, interview preparation advice, regular job market updates, mentorship opportunities, and more – specifically for the military community. Gain Knowledge On The Job Search We offer career advice articles, industry insights, and guidance from experienced professionals to help you make...
I’m a well-educated military spouse with a great resume, but employers are not always willing to give military spouses a chance because we relocate too often. These remote jobs are a perfect fit for me and probably many others.” —Loretta S., Freelance Writer, BKA Content A Job That ...