Military spouses’employment problemshurt not only their families’ current finances, but the effects often snowball to affect their financial future into retirement, according to a new report based on an online poll of 4,118 spouses. Nearly half of those who responded said they ...
Prepare your finances for the transition to civilian life. Dec. 4, 20234 to 5 minutes The transition from military to civilian life brings many changes, new adventures and often a few challenges. Let us guide you as you transition to civilian life. ...
Traditional workplace conventions need to change, Roth-Douquet said. “One of the top reasons that people who are otherwise promotable say they’ll leave the military is because of spouse career challenges. And the top reasons for military families no longer recommending [military...
Military spouse readiness is defined as “the state of being prepared to effectively navigate the challenges of daily living experienced in the unique context of military service, to include: mobility and financial readiness, mobilization and deployment readiness, and personal and family life readiness...
You can absolutely find work, and even build a successful career, as a military spouse, but you may find yourself encountering some of the challenges below. Frequent moves:In the military, it may feel as if you’re always starting over again. Unfortunately, you aren’t the only one who ...
Bills and Finances Right now, who manages the finances and schedules bill payments in your household? If it is the service member, remember that they may not have an internet connection throughout the deployment. The spouse should be aware of the family’s bills and be able to take over pa...
Some of those challenges come in the way of finances. Wise Stewardship Financial Planning is here to help military members and their families across the U.S. with financial planning and advice. SCHEDULE A FREE CONSULTATION We are uniquely positioned to help military members and their families take...
I have the pension coming in to cover basic expenses, but we also track our spreadsheet, our net worth and we track how our finances would be doing if I did not have the pension and if I was only surviving on the 4% safe withdrawal rate. And as you know, the math says that when...
Whether it’s a financial crisis as the result of the current economic environment or just plain old day-to-day finances, here are some ideas for talking with your spouse, family and friends about money matters. How Can I Talk To My Spouse About Money?
And even if you’re still at the very beginning of getting your finances in order, having this as a framework suddenly makes everything else work better. Suddenly, you can earn more money, you can spend less money because you engage in this quest to make your life better which happens to...