Since 2002, has been dedicated to being the premier index of information about Space Available (Space-A) Military Flights that qualified people can travel on. Our goal is that if the information you seek on this subject is on the Internet then you can find it from here. ...
Service to country has its perks and that includes discounted or free travel to certain destinations. Enter the military's space-available program. Retired military members can still fly free from military bases on government planes along with family as long as there is available seating. In order...
Both are nearing their first human flights. Somewhat of a surprise, NASA astronauts will be the first to fly rather than company astronauts—a reverse of the normal flight test approach for government-acquired aircraft. A SpaceX Crew Dragon test capsule, Demo 1, was the first to fly—...
(TBI) Travel assistance Travel, Space A flights Veterans Day promotions Veterans service organizations Veteran stories Voting Wedding Wishes granted Wounded warrior families Operation We Are Here Flyers to print and share Follow us on resources Shopping & discount apps Commissary Rewards https://www....
Plan pet transportation.You will need to plan the transportation for your pets. If CONUS, you may be able to drive them in the car with you. If OCONUS, you will need to verify the available pet spots on your flights or research private pet shippers. Pet costs might be reimbursable. ...
The Swiss Air Force (German language: Schweizer Luftwaffe; French; Italian language: Forze aeree svizzere Romansh language Aviatica militara svizra) is the air component of the Swiss Armed Forces, established on 31 July 1914 as part of the army and in Oc
(Ranks: GySgt to Pvt) Air Traffic Controller-Tower perform various duties within a control tower at an established air traffic control facility, expeditionary airfield, or remote landing area incident to the control of friendly aircraft operating within assigned airspace, maintaining visual surveillance...
the panels can seem overwhelming. Having reviewed and flown a significant number of jets from the mid-50s and 60s on platforms like X-Plane, Microsoft Flight Simulator, and DCS: World, the SR-71 still presents a unique challenge, comparable perhaps only to the Space Shuttle i...
2. An inclusive term encompassing air defense, ballistic missile defense, and space defense. See also air defense; space defense. (JP 3-27) afloat pre-positioning force — Shipping maintained in full operational status to afloat pre- position military equipment and supplies in support of ...
In September 1988, Soviet MiG-23 fighters shot down two Iranian AH-1J Cobra, which had intruded in Afghan airspace.[237] Operation Magistral was one of the final offensive operations undertaken by the Soviets, a successful sweep operation that cleared the road between Gardez and Khost. This...