The transition from military to civilian rule in Ghana on October 1, 1969, did not mark the demise of the ethnically based conflicts, which had been one of the most notable features of the military regime (1966-1969). The ethnic bias which had characterized the voting behaviour of the ...
When individual leaders monopolise power and close all avenues of political contestation and competition, the political landscape in a country becomes fertile for unconstitutional regime change, sometimes at gunpoint. There was orgasmic excitement in the streets of Ghana when Nkrumah fell from political g...
maintaining the ceasefire regime, making south Korea its “military ally” and preventing the spread of communism across the entire [...] 1953 年 11 月,美国确定其在朝鲜半岛上 的最终目标为维持停战机制,把朝鲜民主主义人民共和国南方作 为其“ 军事盟 国”,防止 共产主义在...
opportunity structures — contracting vehicles and procurement practices; the politics of the market structure; the contract culture and vendorism; shared circuitries of knowledge and power — which are enabling for-profit contractors to consolidate their influence over the international development regime....
%ofCountriesinEach RegimeType TheExecutive:%ofAfricanGDPinEachRegime Type TheExecutive:%ofAfricanPopulationinEach RegimeType Themajorityofcoupsshare severalcharacteristics: 1.statewasweakintheimmediate postindependenceerawithweakstate powertiedtoillegitimateleaderswhowere corruptandauthoritarian •widegapsbetween...
When asked whether it hurt his credibility to be associated with a regime change operation, he insisted that times have changed. “It was 75 years ago! The jazz ambassadorships, when they talk about Louis Armstrong and Ella Fitzgerald, that’s 1952 in the Cold War. What the fuck has that...
Coups, or a military takeover of the government, are extremely rare in mature democracies. Autocracies and other types of unstable states face risks from inside the regime and from threats by popular mobilization (Bove and Rivera2015). Not surprisingly, the literature of civil-military relations...
This did not happen in Liberia, and the country quickly moved back toward a personalistic, conventional-type military regime. This essay explores the limits of the innovations which have occurred in Ghana and Upper Volta; it also assesses the meanings of these experiments for the possible ...
Therefore. both the political military activities within the military regime and within the 'uncivil military' sector comprising retired military elites inform military democratic analysis in sub-Saharan Africa. Both sectors of the political military relations determine the "military factor" which is vita...
Examines the certain conditions and processes which permit military rule through its transmutation in the civilian regime. Background information on the political transition programs nd processes in Ghana and Nigeria; Analysis of methods used by General I.B Babangida to protect an impending ...