Space assets could also be equipped with maneuvering and controlled end-of-life re-entry capabilities, to avoid the generation of debris through collisions when an object becomes defunct. In the long term, experts have called for the establishment of space debris remediation systems, whereby objects...
Discoverer II, launched in April of 1959, was the first satellite to be: • Stabilized in orbit in all three axes • Maneuvered on command from the earth • Separate a reentry vehicle on command • Send its reentry vehicle back to earth Discoverer XIII, launched in August of 1960...
Failed in orbit. Reentered in 1983. (147) According to KB Arsenal, it was operational launch of a US-A satellite. The spacecraft functioned for 121 days before making an emergency reentry with the activation of the Additional Radiation Safety System, DSRB. The impact took place in the Sou...