Military records can reveal a lot about your war ancestors. That said, tracking them down and interpreting them can be challenging. Here are some tips to help.
World War 2 (WW2 WWII) veteran, casualty, and military unit records search by WW2 Researcher Bill Beigel. Full-service research & records analysis.
The German branch of the international Red Cross, the world-wide emergency relief organization. The DRK was active during WWII, and also maintains a great deal of documents and information pertaining to WWII. Institut für Vertriebenenforschung ...
If you are ready to request your Coast Guard veteran’s WWII... Korean War I.D.P.F.’s: How to Access Korean War Casualty Records from the National Archives Apr 8Posted byGeoffinArmy,Uncategorized To request a Korean War casualty file please visit the Golden... ...
MPRMaster Personnel Records MPRMotorised Prism Rotation MPRMagic Power Rating(gaming) MPRMisdialed Trunk Prefix(ITU-T) MPRManagement Planning Research Associates, Inc.(Berkeley, CA) MPRMultiplex Project Requirements(Sprint) MPRMain Processor Rack ...
For WWII Navy veterans who were killed in action, it is common to find not only records detailing how they were killed but also correspondence with their surviving immediate family. These records typically detail the delivery of the heart-breaking news of the WWII Navy veteran’s death, the re...
Note that the “German Squad in Combat” indicates a pistol instead of a rifle as a weapon for the ammo carrier, but it seems that this is incorrect and is probably from an old layout, when the squad consisted of an LMG and rifle team. (Sources: Buchner, Alex and http://www.wwiida...
Topic: Hands-on instructions for researching and interpreting U.S. WWII Military Records Date:Thursday, August 17, 2017 Time:Registration 8:30 – 9 a.m. The workshop is from 9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Location: Torrance Cultural Arts Center, Garden Room B, 3330 Civic Center Drive, Torranc...
Rosie the Riveter: Reshaping the Workforce During WWII Military Headlines Philippines Confident Trump Will Continue Military Patrols to Keep China in Check in Disputed Sea The Philippines' top diplomat to the United States expressed confidence that President Donald Trump’s new administration... ...
WWII Orders of Battle Since my father’s personnel file burned at the NPRC leaving nothing behind, learning about a military organizations is important so that I can reconstruct his service using organizational records. The Ike Skelton Combined Arms Research Library (CARL) digital library is home ...