In August 2024, pilots employed by Alaska Airlines and members of the Air Force Reserves scored a major victory in a federal appeals court. In Synoracki v. Alaska Airlines, Inc., the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth...more CFPB Releases Report Highlighting Auto Lending Challenges for ...
It's not the first time the military has been alerted to multiple cancer cases at Malmstrom. In 2001 the Air Force Institute for Operational Health investigated the base after 14 cancers of various types were reported among missileers who had served there, including two cases of non-Hodgkin ...
50% of this increase occurred during the first five meters, which indicates that a split measurement of speed was recorded [151]. Split times were also used in a study that analyzed the impact of body composition on physical fitness tests in the Croatian Navy [152]. In this study, the am...