Just as no plan stands contact with the enemy, no checklist can deal with surprise. Space warfighters must have true expertise in the physics, engineering, and operational challenges unique to space. Any new space warfighting cadre must be deeply educated, not just trained. It must be brilliant...
20-item Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist (PCL-5) was used to measure the severity of PTSD symptoms in this study (regular version for civilian). Participants rated the items on a Likert scale from 0 (Not at all) to 4 (Extremely). The possible total score range is 0–80, with ...
(2021) found twenty-one risk factors for MSIs based on data from an unreported number of military personnel [84]. Unmodifiable risk factors were ethnicity, summertime, female sex, older age, foot type, duration of employment, and deployment experience. Modifiable risk factors were high body fat...
Sammito et al. (2021) found twenty-one risk factors for MSIs based on data from an unreported number of military personnel [84]. Unmodifiable risk factors were ethnicity, summertime, female sex, older age, foot type, duration of employment, and deployment experience. Modifiable risk factors we...
“The thought of buying a vehicle through MAS while on deployment was scary at first, but ultimately it was the best vehicle purchase experience I ever had,” said CPT Asselin. “Alex made my car-buying experience first class. She was with me every step of the way. I love my new Ford...
Help is Available Military One Source CONUS: OCONUS: To call collect (with operator assistance): OCONUS FRG: Deployment Tasks| 1 FRG’s Tasks in the Deployment Cycle Third Edition, 2006. I n t e g r i t y - S e r v i c e - E x c e l l e n c e Headquarters U.S. Air...
Blood samples and scores of the PTSD Checklist (PCL) were obtained from soldiers pre- and post deployment (pre, post). Forty chemokines were measured using the Bio-Plex Pro Human Chemokine Panel Assays. The before-and-after analysis showed potential markers (CCL2, CCL15, CCL22, CCL25, ...
I hate what I have become.” Also represented in the lyrics were personal limitations related to injuries sustained during service, loss of identity upon returning home after deployment, and feeling a lack of control in their lives as represented in these lyrics: “I’m overwhelmed. Will it ...
B-26s line up to taxi. (Image source: WikiMedia Commons) The Flight Out With the run-up and the takeoff checklist complete, we taxi out onto the Telergrma’s 7,200-foot-long recently resurfaced asphalt runway. To turn out of the hardstand and then taxi, I use differential...
advance guard — Detachment sent ahead of the main force to ensure its uninterrupted advance; to protect the main body against surprise; to facilitate the advance by removing obstacles and repairing roads and bridges; and to cover the deployment of the main body if it is committed to action. ...