The Swiss Air Force (German language: Schweizer Luftwaffe; French; Italian language: Forze aeree svizzere Romansh language Aviatica militara svizra) is the air component of the Swiss Armed Forces, established on 31 July 1914 as part of the army and in Oc
Bush, had been widely applied already by the British in India, especially in the form “If you dare not to be with us, we will be certainly with your adversaries”. It came to be used with greatest impact on the subcontinent’s fortunes in 1939 when Britain found itself reluctantly at ...
When one encounters think-tank articles like this one, one would be wise to remember Ray McGovern’s acronym, MICIMATT, which rightly includes these think tanks among the powerful entities that form America’s military-industrial-congressional complex. When it comes to a land war in Asia, the...
Wegen seiner Größe benötigte das Hauptquartier von OMGWB mehr die Organisationsform einer Armee als die einer Division. Ein Divisionshauptquartier umfaßte damals etwa 50-60 Offizie- re, OMGWB aber das Doppelte. Daher sollte ein Generalstab an die Stelle der S-l bis S-4 Stäbe...