[1325–75; Middle English < Latintribūnus,derivative oftribustribe] trib′une•ship`,n. trib`u•ni′tial, trib`u•ni′cial(-yəˈnɪʃ əl)adj. trib•une2 (ˈtrɪb yun, trɪˈbyun) n. 1.a raised platform for a speaker; a dais, rostrum, or pulpit. ...
Fig. 1 Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) reveals the cellular heterogeneity in unprecedented resolution in skeletal research.ascRNA-seq can dissect the cellular composition of specific skeletal tissues in different conditions, providing strategies of prospective isolation for target cell populations us...
Ausbildung/ training, drill. Ausbildungsanweisungen fpl training order. Ausbildungsgerät n training equipment, training instrument. Ausbildungslager n training camp. Ausbildungsplan m training schedule. Ausbildungsrichtlinien fpl training outlines, training regulations. Ausbildungsstab m training staff....
Overview of single-cell acquisition technologies used to acquire high-quality single-cell suspensions from skeletal tissues.aMechanical dissociation involves techniques such as microdissection, sectioning, and grinding to physically separate cells.bEnzymatic digestion is an effective method that utilizes enzymes...
Recommendation 17: Laboratory examinations include routine blood test, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, purified protein derivative (PPD) test and inflammatory markers such as C-reactive protein, serum prolactin, and immunological examination such as antinuclear antibody (ANA) profile and rheumatism factor. ...
They also used a derivative of the Nazi creed of “Kinder, Küche, Kirche” (Children, Kitchen, Church) as to the role of women and the role of the church in relation to state. In terms of economic policy, the OB also adopted a derivative of the Nazi German economic policy calling ...
For the probability function to be maximum, its derivative of p(X|µ,Σ,π) with respect to π, Σ, µ should equal zero. After substitution ϙk(X) in equations, the following are obtained: 𝜇𝑘=∑𝑁𝑛=1ϙ𝑘(𝑥𝑛)𝑥𝑛∑𝑁𝑛=1ϙ𝑘(𝑥𝑛) ,μk=∑n=...
Purified protein derivative (PPD) test The PPD test, commonly known as the tuberculin test, is a type of intradermal test used to diagnose type IV hypersensitivity reactions resulting from infection with MTB [13]. Although the test is highly sensitive, some factors impact its accuracy, including...