What Are the Branches of the Military? Each branch of the military has a unique mission within the overall mission of U.S. security and peace. In addition to the six branches of the military, the Army and AirNational Guards also serve their own special functions. Here's a rundown: Air ...
The Silver Star is currently awarded by all branches of the armed forces to any person who, while serving in any capacity, is cited for gallantry in action against an enemy of the United States while engaged in military operations involving conflict with an opposing foreign force, or while ser...
We understand that military patches are more than just uniform elements – they're symbols of service, unit pride, and military tradition. Our commitment to excellence has earned the trust of service members across every branch, from Army combat units and Navy squadrons to Air Force wings, Marin...
Italian High Command The Armed Forces (Forze Armata) of Italy were regarded as a single service and comprised the following branches: the Royal Army (Regio Esercito), the Royal Navy (Regia Marina), the Royal Air Force (Regia Aeronautica), the Royal Customs Guards (Regia Guardia di Finanza),...
and ceremonies. Each military branch has its own ceremonial sword, with some military branches having different swords for officers and enlisted members. The ceremonial sword is the perfect gift to serve as a tangible link between past and present. You can often find these at the Military Exchang...
“In the harshest of winters, you are the buds which are opening up from my Immaculate Heart and which I am placing on the branches of the Church, to tell you that her most beautiful springtime is about to arrive. THIS WILL BE FOR HER THE SECOND PENTECOST. For this reason, I invite ...
5.0 Staff Officer Branches Most NATO countries have adopted the continental staff system (also known as the general staff system) in structuring their militaries’ staff functions. In this system, which is based on one originally employed by the French Army in the 1800s, each...