The environment in a military academy is rich in the important qualities that are sometimes missing in young people’s lives. Students are expected to attend all classes on time and give instructors their full attention. Coursework is expected to be turned in correctly and on time. High expectat...
military academy- an academy for training military officers U. S. Army,United States Army,US Army,USA,Army- the army of the United States of America; the agency that organizes and trains soldiers for land warfare Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton Unive...
Fork Union Military Academy is one of the leading college preparatory boarding military schools in the USA. We offer high-quality academics and athletics built on character development, self-discipline, responsibility, leadership development, and Christian values. ...
2022美国🇺🇸第123届西点军校(The United States Military Academy) VS 海军学院(Army-Navy)橄榄球赛开场仪式 ... #西点军校 #海军学院 #Football橄榄球🏉 #USA - TIGER_5656于20231114发布在抖音,已经收获了25.4万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
建校时间:1889年 学校类型:私立寄宿高中 所在地区:东北部 所在洲:纽约州(NY) 学生性别:男女合校 学校官网: 学校地址:78 Academy Avenue, Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY 12520 邻近城市:纽约 学校年级设置:7-12年级 总学生人数:120
Fork Union Military Academy位于弗吉尼亚州,是一个大学预备的基督教军事化住宿制男校。招收6-12年级以及高中毕业的学生。学校建立于1898年,有着培养卓越性格,领导才能和学术成就的优秀传统。该男子军校有着极高的信誉度,学校以“身体、心灵和精神”为座右铭来培养学生。 学校不仅培养他们管理自己,还严格培养其坚持、自...
a Department of Mathematical Sciences, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY, 10996-1786, USA E-mail:Fox, William P.a Department of Mathematical Sciences, United States Military Academy, West Point, NY, 10996-1786, USA E-mail:...
国际学生人数:34 SAT平均分:1515 ESL课程:有 AP课程:9 申请要求:TOEFL Jr.\TOEFL, 面试 每学年总费用:美金 4万-5万 申请费: $0.00 学校详情 Hargrave Military Academy成立于1909年,坐落在弗吉尼亚州西南部,是一所传统优质的私立住宿军校,只收男生,属于基督教浸礼会的宗教学校,提供7到12年级的中学课程以及中学...
Missouri Military Academy成立于1889年,是美国最好的军校之一,被美国教育部评为“模范私立学校”。作为美国后备军官初级预备学校,还被美国军事部评为“荣誉学校”。该校的校训是“士兵的仪表,绅士的风度,学者的态度”。该校的教育理念是培养“完整的人”。 学校注重培养学生的责任心,学生在关心他人的同时,也能够增强...
1In October, 2008, we took a family trip to the United States MilitaryAcademy. During our walk on the campus, my James saw the wordknew he would be part of the world. Nothing would stop him from achievingPerseverance(坚持不懈)" engraved (雕刻) on a bench. He said, "Look, Th...