这场两年一度的展会由新加坡内政科技局HTX、GIE Milipol和Comexposium Singapore联合举办,新加坡内政部和法国内政部协办。新加坡内政部长兼律政部长尚穆根(K Shanmugam)先生将在Milipol Asia-Pacific & TechX Summit 2024上致开幕词。本届展会 以"Powering Innovation: A Safe & Secure Future"(推动创新:拥抱安全的未...
新加坡内政部长兼律政部长尚穆根(K Shanmugam)先生将在Milipol Asia-Pacific & TechX Summit 2024上致开幕词。 本届展会以"Powering Innovation: A Safe & Secure Future"(推动创新:拥抱安全的未来)为主题,旨在成为亚太地区标志性的国土安全盛会,涵盖从政府机构到私人企业等各个层面的安全议题。Milipol Asia-Pacific的贸...
Milipol Asia-Pacific的贸易展将展示国土安全领域的最新创新成果,而TechX Summit则将邀请政府官员、行业领袖和学术界知名人士参加这一高级别会议。 展会面积达14500平方米,350多家国际参展商和10000多名政府要员、运营专家、行业领袖、安全提供商、集成商和学术界人士将共聚一堂。讨论最新的解决方案、战略、最佳实践和挑...
Milipol Asia-Pacific & TechX Summit As Milipol Asia-Pacific and HTX’sTechX Summit2024 draws to a close, we want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to you for being a part of this remarkable event. From showcasing cutting-edge technologies to facilitating insightful discussions...
Milipol Asia-Pacific – TechX Summit is a Trade Show, open to Trade and Professional Visitors only. Attendance at the Exhibition and Conference is restricted to those engaged in bona fide areas of the Counter Terrorism, Internal State Security, Law Enforcement, Defence Industry, the armed forces,...
Milipol Asia-Pacific & TechX Summit As Milipol Asia-Pacific and HTX’sTechX Summit2024 draws to a close, we want to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude to you for being a part of this remarkable event. From showcasing cutting-edge technologies to facilitating insightful discussions...
Milipol Network is the world’s leading network of safety and homeland security events, with Milipol Paris, Milipol Qatar, Milipol Asia-Pacific et Milipol India.
SINGAPORE, Feb. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The inaugural Milipol Asia-Pacific & TechX Summit (M...
SINGAPORE--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Echodyne, the radar platform company, is pleased to announce it will be exhibiting at theMilipol Asia-Pacific TechX Summit 2024, Asia Pacific’s largest Homeland Security event taking place at Sands Expo & Convention Centre in Singapore over April 3-5, 2024. The in...
涵盖从政府机构到私人企业等各个层面的安全议题。Milipol Asia-Pacific的贸易展将展示国土安全领域的最新创新成果,而TechX Summit则将邀请政府官员、行业领袖和学术界知名人士参加这一高级别会议。 展会面积达14500平方米,350多家国际参展商和10000多名政府要员、运营专家、行业领袖、安全提供商、集成商和学术界人士将...