Try our miles to inches calculator to simplify this process. Step Three: Calculate the StepsOnce armed with the stride length and distance traveled in the same unit of measure, finding the steps required to walk the distance can be done by using the following equation. steps = distance ÷ ...
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So you need lots of feet to make one mile. Now, taking the above equation and dividing both sides by 5280, we get that 15280mile=1foot\large \frac{1}{5280} \text{ mile} = 1 \text{ foot}52801mile=1foot and calculating the numeric form of the fraction we get: ...
For an individual of average height, 10,000 steps equate to around 4 ½ miles of walking, or 6 miles of running. Such a person has an average stride length of between 2.1 to 2.5 feet, meaning they take approximately 2,250 steps to walk a mile. To gain a more accurate measurement ...
To convert from acres to square miles, use the following conversion equation: 1 acre = 0.0015625 square miles Reference this content, page, or tool as: "Acres to Square Miles Converter"at fromminiwebtool,
light maxwell's equation electrostatics bernoulli's principle projectile motion electric charge physics symbols more chemistry periodic table stereochemistry organic compounds inorganic chemistry quantum numbers atomic mass of elements periodic properties of elements 118 elements and their symbols balancing ...
How do you convert 240 miles per hour to feet per second? 1. The velocity of a car (in miles per hour) is given by the function { v(t) = 30t - 12t^2 }, where t is in hours. a. Write a definite integral for the distance the car travels during the first two ...
If one kilometer is equal to 0.6 miles, how many kilometers would you have traveled if you have traveled 42 miles? Answer and Explanation: Learn more about this topic: Arithmetic with Decimal Numbers from Chapter 3/ Lesson 3 54K Depending upon the oper...
The height h, in feet, that a pole vaulter can reach can be estimated using the formula h = v^2/64, where v is the velocity of the athlete in feet per second. If the world record height for the women' How long should it take to run a mile?
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