Emerging from a universe in need of a new Spider-Man, a Brooklyn teen named Miles Morales rose to the challenge. Reluctant at first, he quickly earned the mantle of a Super Hero.
Spoilers ahead for Miles Morales: Spider-Man #9Miles Morales’ most recent battle has been made all the more deadly thanks to the youngSpider-Man’s classic Spider-Sense being on the fritz. Not only does this make him more vulnerable in a fight, but its impact on Miles serves as a powe...
Things get even crazier when we learn this world's "Miles G. Morales" is, in fact, Prowler.That's where the sequel left us, and while many fans quickly assumed Shameik Moore was pulling doubt duty as his villainous doppelganger, it was Moonlight and When They See Us star Jharrel ...
Every once in a while, there appears a new comics event so big, so important, that even the mainstream media outlets look up and take notice. This is exactly what happened in 2011 when writer Brian Michael Bendis introduced a newSpider-Manto the world: Miles Morales, a boy of black/Hispa...
Insomniac has been teasing dribs and drabs of new Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales info, and the latest is a look at a new Crimson Cowl suit.