使用Miles & More飞常里程汇支付卡(例如,汉莎航空Miles & More飞常里程汇信用卡)时,持卡人可以获取里程,这些里程将计入他们的会员账户。支付卡的使用受相关Miles & More飞常里程汇支付卡发卡机构的条款及细则约束。 2.2.5 获取里程和Points的其他方式 获取里程和Points的其他短期或长期方式及其条款与细则可能公...
一般条款及细则 欢迎加入Miles & More飞常里程汇常旅客和奖励计划。以下是我们的一般条款及细则。因为使用我们的服务需要接受参加条款及细则,因此请仔细阅读这些内容。如有任何问题,我们的Miles & More飞常里程汇服务团队将很乐意为您提供帮助。 关注我们
6 Collectmiles/ CHF Checkout withReward shop Redeem Miles on Hotelcard membership 3 Collectmiles/ CHF Checkout withReward shop Shop & Save Special offers FREE SHIPPINGon purchases above CHF 60 Learn more spending and collecting MILES made easy ...
ConnectMiles Program Terms and Conditions The following document outlines the terms and conditions of the Copa Airlines’ loyalty program. ConnectMiles Program Overview Membership and Change Requests Mileage accrual Mileage redemption Expiration of award miles PreferProgram Upgrades Business Partner...
AAdvantage®Program Terms and Conditions apply. AAdvantage® Status for a Day received through the World of Hyatt program In addition to the “AAdvantage®Status for a Day” terms, the following terms apply for World of Hyatt members who have linked their accounts: ...
Mileage accrued will vary depending on the terms and conditions of your frequent flyer program. United MileagePlus mileage accrual is subject to the rules of the MileagePlus program and, as provided therein, mileage will be credited in accordance with the terms 显示的*Miles是为这段飞行的实际英...
participants social media sites are verified before announcing “bonus payout” to client. The amount of which is paid is determined on market value and current stock. Participants must announce to TheMilesBroker.com that he/she has accepted the terms and conditions of the “bonus payout” ...
Asia Miles have no cash value and are not tax-deductable. The donation will be reflected in the member's statement as a redemption activity. All donations are non-refundable, non-reversible and non-transferable. Other Asia MilesTerms and Conditionsapply....
The terms points and miles are used interchangeably, and it just depends on which term a given program calls its loyalty currency. Some loyalty programs refer to their currency as miles and others as points, but they have the same function. ...
Terms apply to American Express benefits and offers. Enrollment may be required for select American Express benefits and offers. Visit americanexpress.com to learn more. When you read articles about travel rewards, you’re often regaled with tales of how the writer traveled in first class to ...