奖励里程=票价×4(对于具有常旅客会员身份的会员,则×5) 这种计算方法也适用于通过旅行社或在线旅行社预订航班,前提是所购机票号码的前几位是:220(汉莎航空)、724(瑞士国际航空)、257(奥地利航空)、082(布鲁塞尔航空)或者机票由欧洲之翼签发。如果您不知道机票号码,在大多数情况下,您可以在确认电子邮件或收据上找到。
对于通过汉莎航空集团航空公司(多洛米蒂航空、奥地利航空、布鲁塞尔航空、Discover Airlines、欧洲之翼、汉莎航空、Lufthansa City和瑞士国际航空)预订系统预订的航班,下列计算方法适用: 里程=票价x 4(对于具有常旅客会员身份的会员,则x 5) 这种计算方法也适用于通过旅行社或在线旅行社预订的航班,前提是机票号码的前几位...
Register your contact details with Miles & More once and save valuable time on every flight booking from then on. Your details will be automatically transferred from the Miles & More customer account to the booking profile of all partner airlines. At the counter, you simply show your membership...
receive miles whenever you fly with Austrian Airlines, Lufthansa and SWISS, plus selected partner airlines, you also get points (Points, Qualifying Points and HON Circle Points) towards achieving frequent flyer status. And that means you also get privileges to make your travels even more enjoyable...
We partner with more than 800 partners to make it easy to earn. From booking flights to finding the perfect hotel, treating yourself to meals or exclusive experiences, there are so many ways to earn and redeem Asia Miles. What’s more, when you sign up for the Standard Chartered ...
There are lots of unique ways to redeem Alaska Mileage Plan miles for travel on partner airlines in first and business class. Then you have the companion fare, which could save you hundreds of dollars on airfare. I’ll get into that more below. Redeem Alaska miles for travel in Condor ...
Partner Features For over 90 years, Hawaiian Airlines has been proud to represent the community of Hawaii and partner with other local small businesses that make our home so unique. Below, you’ll find videos highlighting some of our amazing partners and their stories. Explore the unique designs...
Just use the services of our more than 1,300 non-airline partners, from cards to hotels, car rental companies, telcos, and more. Earn with co-brand cards Earn with financial service partners Earn with ground transport partners Earn with hotels and serviced residences Earn with retail par...
Cathay Pacificoffers more seats to its own AsiaMiles members, which aren’t bookable by other airlines by charging slightly higher amounts on some dates. This keeps them out of “partner” inventory. Finnairas of Jan 22, 2020, also announced that it would restrict those using miles from oth...
holidays and wellness. We partner with more than 800 partners to make it easy to earn. From booking flights to finding the perfect hotel, treating yourself to meals or exclusive experiences, there are so many ways to earn and redeem Asia Miles. What’s more, when you sign up for the...