We will credit miles and points to your account as soon as you have registered with Miles & More: For every flight with Austrian Airlines For every flight with Lufthansa or SWISS For flights on 35 other airlines Have you just flown, but were not yet registered? No problem, we can credit...
创作者 案例详情 基本信息 广告品牌:Lufthansa Miles And More 发布日期:2007-03 行业领域:生活服务,旅游/娱乐 媒体类别:图文,海报/平面 广告语言:德语 媒介平台:网络 综合评分 0 暂无评分 创意 0 文案 0 视觉 0 创作者 广告公司:Wunderman Germany,Frankfurt,Germany ...
Miles and More/星空联盟 Star Alliance 汉莎里程妙用:兑换新加坡航空商务舱机票 相比较于寰宇一家和天合联盟,星空联盟的成员在里程票兑换上显得有些“小家子气”,比如汉莎的头等舱对伙伴航空开放的票源少得可怜,而瑞航的头等舱更是干脆只对自家的精英会员提供;另一个典型的例子就是新航了,其... ...
You enjoy exclusive privileges if you have a frequent flyer status, for example a higher baggage allowance, lounge access and much more that will make travelling more enjoyable. Register now Earn miles and Points In the air We will credit miles and points to your account as soon as you have...
Our comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about collecting and redeeming airline miles and points for cheap business and first class tickets
2019.05.09起Miles&More项目贬值,里程耗费小幅上涨,新里程表和旧里程表请分别点击链接查看。 【2018.6.1更新】 更新1:Miles&More网上现在可以在线查询并预订几乎所有的星盟航班以及Miles&More的非联盟内航班了。 更新2:更新了持有Amex白金卡/百夫长卡进入LH贵宾室的规则,增加FRA LH休息室的准入规则。
(adult frequent flyer account) before you choose Book Flights to purchase the ticket. Miles and Cash Slider will be shown in the booking flow if the fares and flights checked by system are applicable. Once the current page has been idle for 30 minutes after log in, Miles and Cash slider ...
(adult frequent flyer account) before you choose Book Flights to purchase the ticket. Miles and Cash Slider will be shown in the booking flow if the fares and flights checked by system are applicable. Once the current page has been idle for 30 minutes after log in, Miles and Cash slider ...