Convert minutes to decimal hours and vice versa. View calculator Military time converter Automatically calculate the 12 / 24 hour equivalent View converter Timesheet calculator Automatically calculate the total hours for payroll. View calculator Over 15,000 companies track time effortlessly with OnTheClock...
I like this Malibu first of all for being a genuine low-mileage car. It looks like a total grandma-driven example that has all the trappings of being a survivor. It may have seen slightly sacrilegious to remove the drivetrain from a survivor-grade car like this, but I also understand why...
Major stuff was the DC DC converter and separately 10kw charger - repairs out of warranty. As a 2012, have gone through a bunch of door handles, drive units for whine (current one has over 150k though), and a MCU for bubbles. Battery is the original A battery - totally surprised tha...