Get the mileage calculation if you're driving for business and you want to deduct the cost based on the standard car mileage rate of 70 cents per mile according to the IRS notice on January 1, 2025.frequent flyer milesFind out how many points you'll earn for a flight to Camas, WA ...
low-temperature mileage decay rate 低温续航里程衰减率(low-temperature mileage decay rate)是指电动汽车在低温环境下行驶时,电池续航里程相对于常温下的衰减程度。这个衰减率通常以百分比表示,它反映了电池在低温条件下的性能变化。 低温对电动汽车电池的性能有显著影响。在低温环境中,电池的化学反应速度减慢,导致电池...