But there is a sign saying that rental cars are to be delivered at the Knoxville airport. Yikes! Where is the Knoxville airport? It is not on my map! I phone my brother for the third time today, and he tells me how to get to the airport, and says he will be there to meet me....
Yes. You can set the maximum mileage a driver can use when renting your car. After registering your car, you can click on MY CARS select Manage Listing and within there you will see the mileage menu. There you can specify the maximum mileage per day, week and month....
•Byaddinganothercityto thenetwork, we can actuallydecreasethemileageofcableneeded.•Northorsouthof thatline, however, themileagevalueof eachdegreedecreases.•Isetthemileageeach time I get gas.•CarRentalisavailableon either alimitedorunlimitedmileagebasis.•The rental carcosts$35 aday, with ...
A:I bought a used car with lowmileageon it. It had been owned by an elderly woman who rarely drove. I inquired on themileageon that car for sale, but I decided not to buy it once I learned it was a high-mileagevehicle previously on a rental car fleet. ...
• Car Rental is available on either a limited or unlimited mileage basis.• The rental car costs $35 a day, with unlimited mileage. From Longman Business Dictionary mileagemile·age /ˈmaɪlɪdʒ/ noun [uncountableU] 1an amount of money paid for each mile that is travelled by...
Many leasing companies will advertise low-mileage contracts to attract customers with their lower monthly rental figures, but these can end up costing you a lot more if you bust the mileage limit. Search for the bestcar leasing deals Mileage on a leasing contract is usually advertised as 'per...
Free mileage is going up in smoke.Reports that mileage fees are being implemented by car-rental agencies on some cars in certain markets. Plans of Avis, Hertz, National, Alamo and Budget; Range of fees.WoodsLynnWilcoxMelyndaDovelEBSCO_AspKiplingers Personal Finance Magazine...
The car rental included unlimitedmileage, but not fuel. 汽车租金不限里程,但不包括燃油费。 3. They are willing to pay up to $500 more for cars that get bettermileage. 他们愿意多付$500来买单位汽油里程数更高的汽车。 4. Gasoline electric hybrid models like the Toyota Prius improvemileageby ...
只经过一人之手且行驶里程少的旧汽车 The car rental included unlimited mileage, but not fuel. 汽车租金不限里程,但不包括燃油费。 I get a mileage allowance if I use my car for work (= an amount of money paid for each mile I travel) . ...
Hybrid cars have greatmileagebecause they run on a combination of gasoline and fuel cells. 混合动力汽车有较高的单位燃料哩程数,因为结合了汽油和燃料电池的动力. 期刊摘选 Ourmileagewas 350 yesterday. 昨天我们的行驶里程是350英里. 期刊摘选 With the growth of railroad trafficmileagerapidly , the moderat...