Follow-up and management of the mildly abnormal Pap smear has been the subject of controversy in the medical literature. At Fitzsimons Army Medical Center, patients with initial Pap smears reported as "inflammatory atypia" or mild dysplasia were treated with specific therapy for vaginitis and/or ...
triagePAP smearmild dyskaryosisborderline dyskaryosisTo investigate the use of hybrid capture to triage borderline and mildly abnormal PAP smears to either colposcopy or continued cytological surveillance.A prospective cross-sectional study of 207 women with either mild or borderline dyskaryosis referred...
Women eligible for inclusion in this study were nonpregnant, 18 years of age or older, with an intact cervix uteri, no history of prior treatment for neoplasia of the cervix, and a referral Pap smear obtained within the past 6 months demonstrating ASCUS or LSIL. They Results There were ...
A total of 266 women with mildly abnormal Papanicolaou (Pap) smear results (160 with ASCUS and 106 with LSIL) concurrently underwent Hybrid Capture II testing, repeat Pap smear, and colposcopy-directed biopsies. Overall, the underlying prevalence of histologically confirmed CIN2/3 was 16.9% (27/...