Hi everyone, we have a mid century bungalow that is difficult to air enough. It smells bad, we really notice when we come home. Musty/damp smell. It s...
Plus, I did the same with our new home we just purchased. It had a weird smell to it so naturally, I go to the walls. I used a sponge mop and a bucket with mild floor cleaner. Our house was smelling great in no time flat. So if you’ve tried riding your room of a mildew od...
If left untreated, mold and mildew in the house can damage the structures. They also emit musty smell and destroy the property’s physical appearance. Your property value can decrease drastically because of untreated mold and mildew. Read also:What does mold smell like? E. Things to Do after...
Mildew creates a musty smell just like mold, but it poses very little health risk to humans and very little risk of damage to the surface it is growing on. To me mildew is a more of a cosmetic issue and an inconvenience rather than a problem. How To: Get Rid of Mold & Mildew So,...
SmellofMold? From“mustyearth”to foulstench. SeeMoldPrevention No MoldInYourHome? Youmayhavemoldand/ormildewgrowinginyourhomei yourhome haswaterdamagedueto: Flooding• Sewageback-up rom oodinginthearea• Plumbingorroo leaks• Adampbasementorcrawlspace• ...
it often presents as white or greenish-black discolorations that are visible to the eye. If you don’t see it visibly, you might notice its strong smell. These spores grow when clothes are exposed to dampness for a prolonged period of time, such as if you left your gym clothes in a ...