On the basis of the measured results and by applying the principles of the theory of probability, an asymptotic expression is given for the stress-strain curve of a long steel bar, imagined to have been taken from the same batch as the one used in our examination. Finally it is found ...
The effect of grain size on the stress-strain curve of α-iron and the connection with the plastic deformation of the grain boundaries It has been widely accepted that the grain size dependence of the lower yield point of mild steel is caused by the relaxation of the shear stress along the...
strain rate rangecleavageThe effect of strain rate on the yield strength and fracture toughness of mild steel was studied in the strain rate range 10-5102 s-1. The lower yield strength was found to be independent of strain rate in the range 10-510-3 s-1. Beyond this strain rate, the ...
doi:10.1016/0025-5416(83)90168-4K. Linga MurtyElsevier B.V.Materials Science and EngineeringMurty KL. Strain aging behavior of irradiated and denitrided mild steel. Mater Sci Engng 1983;59:207.
Annealed mild steel specimens have been subjected to rotation under the bending stress of 2131 kg/mm with the speed of stress repetition at 33000 rpm at room temperature to examine its dynamic strain amplitudes and creep strains. A wire strain gage and an ocillogram have been employed by means...
To simulate the effect of variable strains on steel grades S275 and S355, an experimental displacement control test of plate specimens was performed. Specimens were tested under monotonic and cyclic loading according to the standard loading protocol of SAC 2000. During experimental testing, strain valu...
H. W. Swift on the torsional effects of torsional overstrain in mild steel, which had been prepared for presentation at the cancelled Cardiff Autumn Meeting of the Iron and Steel Institute, has been abridged and is published in Engineering of October 20. The usefulness of a material for ...
The rapid advance of mild aqueous zinc-ion batteries (ZIBs) is driving the development of the energy storage system market. But the thorny issues of Zn ano
The Effect of Temperature and Strain-rate on the Deformation and Fracture of Mild-steel Charpy Specimens.pdfAgricultureIATRIDIS PG, FERGUSON JH.doi:10.1016/S1474-4422(09)70221-2Willshaw, T RKinokuniya Bookstore Co,
Further, 40 g of refined NaCl was dissolved in these stainless-steel vessels containing 1000 mL of spice extract in order to obtain the spiced brine solution. For the control, no spices were used to prepare the brine. The brine was vigorously stirred and kept overnight in a refrigerator. ...