the present concussion; (3) Severe misuse of alcohol, prescription drugs and/or illegal drugs and (4) Severe psychiatric co-morbidity (e.g. bipolar disorder, autism, psychotic disorder (lifetime)) or severe neurological disease (e.g. multiple sclerosis) that impedes participation in the ...
The susceptibility of these vessels to SVD may be related to their short linear path from larger vessels at the base of the brain, rendering them more vulnerable to the mechanical stresses imposed by HTN.10 The most common pathological substrates of SVD related to HTN is arteriolosclerosis.11...
, (f) neurological diseases other than MCI (e.g., stroke, epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis), (g) major injury or had major surgery in the last six months, and/or use neuroleptics, narcotic analgesics, benzodiazepines, or psychoactive medications, and/or consume illegal intoxicants and/or have ...
(G)–NHe)uNNeu+Nc+eclleldl ednensistiiteiessaarree sshhoowwnnaassmmedeidania,nin,tienrtqeuraqrutialertrialnegrea,nagned,raanngderianntghee in the middlme icdodrlteecxo,rtthexe, hthieluhsiloufs tohfethdeednetnattaeteggyyrruuss,, aannddtthheespsplelneinuimumof othfethcoerpcuosrpcaulsloc...