However, for process simplicity during recruitment, we selected similar criteria: Inclusion criteria (treatment): (a) SARS-CoV-2 infection at least 3 months ago and (b) ICD-10 code U08.9 or U09.9 given or persistent/recurring symptoms according to the WHO clinical case definition of post CO...
This approach is in accordance with the diagnostic criteria for PCS as defined by the tenth edition of the "International Classification of Diseases" (ICD 10)7. PPCS positive questionnaires were further analyzed for symptom groups, as has been done in past studies21,22. The three symptom ...
The planned study will include diagnosed patients with cognitive impairment (ICD-10-GM: F06.7). The study population will be recruited via the clinics of the study centers involved in the study and via external practices as multipliers, each of which is diagnosed as part of standard care. Thes...
Effective Diagnosis and Non-Pharmacological Treatment in Chronic Conditions and PainNatural Environment, Mood and Anxiety Disorders, and Suicidal BehaviorNew Developments in the Field of Myeloid NeoplasmsNew Genetic Insights into Parkinson's DiseasePerio-Inflammation in Auto-Antibodies and T-Cell Mediated Or...
Pu et al. [34] validated the feasibility of using MUSE to measure pain in long-term care residents with dementia, suggesting that EEG signals may be a potential biomarker for pain measurement in patients with dementia, providing further support for the study of MUSE as an adjunctive assessment...
(G)–NHe)uNNeu+Nc+eclleldl ednensistiiteiessaarree sshhoowwnnaassmmedeidania,nin,tienrtqeuraqrutialertrialnegrea,nagned,raanngderianntghee in the middlme icdodrlteecxo,rtthexe, hthieluhsiloufs tohfethdeednetnattaeteggyyrruuss,, aannddtthheespsplelneinuimumof othfethcoerpcuosrpcaulsloc...