美妆简讯 | Milani 全新色调的Fruit Fetish唇釉,滋润双唇不粘腻同时带有微妙的色彩,160荔枝蜜、170无花果、190黑莓、20可可粉。 #美出圈##亿点曝光计划# #寻找闪光的你#
淘宝美国Milani Fruit Fetish Lip Oil果味滋润唇油唇蜜保湿润唇不粘 cylovevv 99.00 23人付款 淘宝现货 新版美国Milani Baked矿物烘焙五花肉腮红胭脂3.5g/1g中样 鸭鸭999 49.00 13人付款 淘宝现货 美国 Milani Rose Powder Blush 浮雕玫瑰花瓣腮红/胭脂17g ...
Nailing the mix of TikTok, price and responding to the wants of the multicultural consumer has been big for the brand. Its Color Fetish Lipstick and Conceal + Perfect Cream to Powder Foundation products saw average weekly sales growth of 328% and 201%,respectively, after organic posts on TikT...