方法101 盐雾环境(腐蚀) Method 101, Salt Atmosphere (Corrosion) 标准号 MIL MIL-STD-202/101-2015 2015年 发布单位 美国国防部标准化文件(含MIL标准) 当前最新 MIL MIL-STD-202/101-2015 适用范围 盐雾试验是指将样品置于盐溶液的细雾中,如果充分认识到其缺陷和局限性,该试验有多种用途。该试验最初被提议...
Test Method 101 Salt atmosphere (corrosion)– This test subjects components to a fine mist of salt solution to determine their ability to withstand corrosion. Test Method 103 Humidity (steady state)– This test examines the properties of materials used in components as they are influenced by the...
METHOD 101E 12 September 1963 HOME MIL-STD-202GMETHOD 103B濕度(穩定狀態) 1.目的.該測試之執行是為了評估部件中所用材料在吸收擴散潮濕和濕氣的影響下的性能. 這是一個加速的環境測試, 通過在提高的溫度下將樣本持續暴露於高相對濕度下完成.這些條件在測試中施加蒸汽壓力於於材料上, 構成潮濕滲入和穿透背後...
MIL-STD-202 Test Method 101 Salt Atmosphere (Corrosion) MIL-STD-202 Test Method 103 Humidity (solid state) MIL-STD-202 Test Method 104 Immersion MIL-STD-202 Test Method 105 Barometric Pressure MIL-STD-202 Test Method 106 Moisture Resistance ...
Anoplate provides finishes and surface engineering solutions that not only meet or exceed MIL-STD-202 test standards including steam aged solderability (Method 208), steady humidity exposure (Method 103), or salt atmospheric corrosion (Method 101), but can provide the in-house testing and reporting...
国际标准分类中,mil-std-202 method 106涉及到。 在中国标准分类中,mil-std-202 method 106涉及到。 美国国防部标准化文件(含MIL标准),关于mil-std-202 method 106的标准 MIL MIL-STD-202/106-2015方法 106 防潮性 MIL MIL-STD-202/311-2015方法 311 寿命 低电平切换 ...
101E-鹽環境(C:\\WINDOWS\\Desktop\\Robert\\Translation\\MIL-STD-202G測試標準.doc"\l"METHOD101E) 103B-濕度(C:\\WINDOWS\\Desktop\\Robert\\Translation\\MIL-STD-202G測試標準.doc"\l"METHOD103B) 302-絕緣阻抗(C:\\WINDOWS\\Desktop\\Robert\\Translation\\MIL-STD-202G測試...
101E-盐环境(C:\\WINDOWS\\Desktop\\Robert\\Translation\\MIL-STD-202G測試標準.doc"\l"METHOD101E) 103B-湿度(C:\\WINDOWS\\Desktop\\Robert\\Translation\\MIL-STD-202G測試標準.doc"\l"METHOD103B) 302-绝缘阻抗(C:\\WINDOWS\\Desktop\\Robert\\Translation\\MIL-STD-202G測試...
1.2 Test method numbering sys tem. The test methods are designated by numbers assigned in accordance with the following system: 1.2.1 Class of tests . The tests are divided into three clas ses: Test methods numbered 101 to 199 inclusive, cover ...
• Small rectangular-leaded design utilizes less board space • High frequency vibration: MIL-STD-202F, Method 201A Applications Primary and secondary circuit protection:• Power supplies • Notebooks and laptops • Appliances and white goods • Lighting ballasts • Power adapters • Set...