This two component VOC compliant, yellow epoxy polyamideprimer meets MIL-PRF-23377 K , Type 1, Class C2 composition andperformance specification. This product may be used as a primer forMIL-PRF-22750 and MIL-PRF-85285 topcoats. QPL/QPD product High solids 2.8 lbs/gal max VOC 2 component...
MIL-PRF-23377K TYPE 1 CLASS C2 MIL-PRF-23377K Type 1 Class C2 is a two component high solids yellow epoxy primer with a maximum VOC of 2.8 lbs/gallon. This two component VOC compliant, yellow epoxy polyamide primer meets MIL-PRF-23377 K , Type 1, Class C2 composition and performance ...
本规范适用于腐蚀抑制、化学和溶剂耐受性的环氧防锈底漆,这些底漆的最大挥发性有机化合物(VOC)含量为每升340克(2.8磅/加仑),且由制造商提供。 底漆可分为以下类型和类别: 类型:I型 - 标准颜料 II型 - 低红外反射颜料 类别:C1 - 基于钡铬酸盐的防锈抑制剂 C2 - 基于锶铬酸盐的防锈抑制剂 N - 不含铬酸...
(see 6.2): 1.2.1 Types. The types of primer coatings are as follows: Type I - Standard pigments Type II - Low infrared reflective pigments 1.2.2 Classes. The classes of primer coatings are as follows: Class C1 - Barium chromate based corrosion inhibitors Class C2 - Strontium chromate ...
M23377-X-XX-XXXXSpecificationTypedesignatorClassdesignatorKitsizedesignatoridentifier1=TypeI(C1,C2orN)(see1.3.1) 2=TypeII 1.3.1Kitsize.Theprimercoatingscoveredbythisspecificationshouldbepurchasedbyvolume,theunitbeingakitcontainingtwoorthreecomponents.Thekitcomponentsizesneednotbeofthesamesize.Whenthispartnumbe...
MIL-PRF-23377K Type 1 Class C2 双组份环氧底漆is a two component highsolids yellow epoxy primer with a maximum VOC of 2.8lbs/gallon. This two component VOC compliant, yellow epoxy polyamide primermeets MIL-PRF-23377 K , Type 1, Class C2 composition andperformance specification. This product ...
mil-prf-23377k type 1 class c2 双组份环氧底漆is a two component highsolids yellow epoxy primer with a maximum voc of 2.8lbs/gallon. this two component voc compliant, yellow epoxy polyamide primermeets mil-prf-23377 k , type 1, class c2 composition andperformance specification. this product ...
MIL-PRF-23377K Type 1 Class C2 双组份环氧底漆is a two component high solids yellow epoxy primer with a maximum VOC of 2.8 lbs/gallon. This two component VOC compliant, yellow epoxy polyamide primer meets MIL-PRF-23377 K , Type 1, Class C2 composition and performance specification. This pr...