范围 1.1 范围. 本规范涵盖了化学转化材料与铝及铝合金表面反应形成的化学转化涂层。 1.2 分类. 化学转化膜的类型和等级如下: 1.2.1 类型. 化学转化涂层的类型如下(见 3.1): Type/类型 Description/描述 Type I 化学转化涂层中含有六价铬成分 Type II 化学转化涂层中不含有六价铬成分 ...
Type II – Compositions containing no hexavalent chromium. 1.2.2 Classes. The materials, which form protective coatings by chemical reaction with aluminum and aluminum alloys, are of the following classes (see 6.1 and 6.4). Class 1A - For maximum protection against corrosion, painted or unpainted...
Non-hex chromate,per MIL-DTL-5541F,type II Class 3 Clear此工艺文怎么翻译? 扫码下载作业帮搜索答疑一搜即得 答案解析 查看更多优质解析 解答一 举报 非十六进制铬酸盐,每mil -迪泰- 5541 f,II型类3清晰 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析查看解答 ...
classes.TypeI–Compositionscontaininghexavalentchromium.TypeII– Compositionscontainingnohexavalentchromium.aluminumandaluminumalloys,are ofthefollowingclasses(see6.1and6.4).Class1A-Formaximumprotectionagainst corrosion,paintedorunpainted.Class3-Forprotectionagainstcorrosionwherelow ...
The dry unheated air for type I shall be not warmer than 100 ºF (38 ºC) and for type II shall follow the manufacturers recommended 43、 temperature ranges. shall be tested for wet tape adhesion. The test shall be conducted in accordance with FED-STD-141, method 6301, to determine...
Type II – Compositions containing no hexavalent chromium. 型号II-成分不包含六价铬。 1.2.2Classes. The materials, which form protective coatings by chemical reaction with aluminum and aluminum alloys, are of the following classes (see 6.1 and 6.4). 1.2.2级别.铝制品和铝合金制品通过化学反应形成的...
Type I – Compositions containing hexavalent chromium.型号I-成分包含六价铬。Type II – Compositions containing no hexavalent chromium.型号II-成分不包含六价铬。Classes. The materials, which form protective coatings by chemical reaction with aluminum and aluminum alloys, are of the following classes (...
Type II – Compositions containing no hexavalent chromium.型号II-成分不包含六价铬。1.2.2 Classes. The materials, which form protective coatings by chemical reaction withaluminum and aluminum alloys, are of the following classes (see 6.1 and 6.4).1.2.2 级别.铝制品和铝合金制品通过化学反应形成的...
MIL-DTL-5541F type II, class 1A, clear问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 MIL - DTL - 5541F II型,1A级,明确 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 MIL- DTL -5541 F第二类,一班一、明确 匿名 2013-05-23 12:24:58 MIL-DTL-5541F类型II,类1A,明白 匿名 2013-05-23 12:26:38 MIL...
MIL-DTL-5541F是表面本色钝化处理。 这是美国军用标准,针对铝合金,做表面钝化工艺的一个规范。需求不含铬的钝化工艺。铝及合金的化学转化膜,它将铝合金化学转化膜根据成分不同,分为两大类,TYPE1是包含六价铬成分,type‖不包含六价铬成分。 这标准中有不同的类型和级别,类型1:含六价铬钝化膜层,类型2:不含六...