Type II, class E, style 1 – sum of bag inside dimensions should not exceed 42 inches and bag should not contain a double seam junction. b. Type III, class C, style 1 – maximum area (product of inside bag dimensions): 50 square inches. 6.4 Bag stock sizes. Commonly stocked bag ...
TypeI-Heavyduty TypeII-Mediumduty TypeIII-Lightduty TypeIV-Extra-heavyduty 1.2.2Class.Theclassofbagsisasfollows: ClassA-Waterproof,electrostaticprotective,staticdissipative ClassB-Waterproof ClassC-Waterproof,greaseproof Comments,suggestions,orquestionsonthisdocumentshouldbeaddressedto:Commander, ...
III 和 IV 连接器)修正SAE AS85049/103A_A1-2009 连接器,附件,复合材料,Fri/Emi,电气,应变消除,直型,自锁,3C 类(适用于 MIL-DTL-38999 系列 III 和 IV 连接器)SAE AS85049/103B-2011 3C类自锁式直型应力释放电气FRI/EMI复合材料连接器附件(适用于MIL - DTL- 38999系列III和IV连接器)SAE AS85049/...
2009年SAE AS85049/117B_A1-2009连接器配件,电气后壳,90°,自锁和非自锁,预装屏蔽终端(RFI/EMI),引导调节,3B 类,适用于 MIL-DTL-38999 系列 III 和 IV 连接器 AS85049/117B 修正案 1。