电镀化学膜 MIL-C-5541 CL3 密尔(mil)也被称为毫英寸,是一种长度单位. 1mil=25.4 um (微米)可能是镀层厚度标准代号吧,我也不确定.
Does anyone know of any "touch up" pens that are compatible with or contain Clear Chem Film per MIL-C-5541, CL3? My company recently converted from "Gold" CL1 to CL3 and on several occasions need to perform such touch ups to reduce the amount of scrap we otherwise would have. Thank...
The spec on the drawing notes to Conversion Coat per MIL-DTL-5561 ^ 5541 Cl 1A. I read in the spec that Type I applies if nothing is noted but I don't know how to figure out if the coating weight would exceed the 0.1 percent by weight of the part.Mary...
Contractors and military activities must take this into account in acquisition, in the design of parts, and in the establishment of facilities. Detail drawing of parts requiring treatment in accordance with this specification should specify cl
the issues of the documents WhlCh are DOD adopted are those 1isted ln the issue of the DOOISS clted in the Sollcltatlon Un1ess otherwlse specifled , the lssues of documents not 11sted ln the OODISS are the lssues of the documents cited in the so11cltatlon AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR TESTIN...
1. SCOPE MILITARY SPECIFICATION |阳阳阳A盯川S S ENSITIVE MIL-C-5541E 3o November 1990 SUPERSEDI NG MIL-C-5541D 28 February 1989 CHEMICAL CONVERSION COATINGS ON ALUMINU问 AND ALUMINUM ALLOYS This specificat10n is approved for use by a11 Departments and Agenc1es of the Department of Defense...