• • • 1. SCQPE MILITARY SPECIFlCATION ANODIC OOATINGS. FOR ALUMINUM AND ALUMINUM ALLOYS This speclflcation 1s approved for use byall Oepartments and Agencies of the Oepartment of Oefense. MIL由A-8625E 25 Apr l1 1988 SUPERSEOING MIL-A-86250 30 June 1985 Scop些 This specification...
1A - Conventional coatings produced from chromic acid bath (see 3.4.1) Type 18 - Low voltage chromic acid arodizing (20V) Type II - Conventional coatings produced from sulfuric acid bath (see 3.4.2) Type 111 - Uniform Anodic Coatings (see 3.4.3) 1.2.2 Classes. Class 1 - Non-dyed (...
141L-A-8625E 25 April 1988 SUPERSEDING 141L-A-86250 30 June 1985 MILITARYSPECIFICATION ANODIC COATINGS, FOR ALUMINUM AND ALUMINUM ALLOYS This specification is approved for use by all I)epartmentsantiAgencies of the Department of Defense. 1. SCOPE 1.1 Scope. This specification covers the requir...