Convert mils to degrees (mil to °) with the angle conversion calculator, and learn the mil to degree formula.
Do a quick conversion: 1 mils = 0.000762 chinese inches using the online calculator for metric conversions. Check the chart for more details.
Convert mils to circles (mil to cir) with the angle conversion calculator, and learn the mil to circle formula.
InchesMil ThicknessArea 0.00111,604 0.0022802 0.0033.5458.3 0.0055320.8 0.0686.68240.1 0.0110160.4 0.01515106.9 0.022080.2 0.033053.5 1/32"31.2551.3 0.044040.1 0.055032.1 1/16"62.525.7 1/8"12512.8 0.1515010.7 0.1751759.2 3/16"1878.6
MilDot Calculator is exactly what the name implies. A calculator that takes in Mil values and target height, and outputs the range to the target. Can also correctly range for Second Focal Plane optics at all magnifications.Target Size can be in inches, feet, yards, or meters.Mil and Moa...
are already accustomed to inches, feet, and yards, we’re going to provide formulas for this system and the metric system, so you can use whichever you naturally find to be useful. With that said, let’s give you the formulas to figure out what 1 mil translates to in size at any ...
I don't disagree that it's more accurate; it's just that in the real world I don't notice enough of a difference to use the more accurate number, but hey, maybe you do. Let me qualify that. At 1,000 yards, when I use 1 inch per 100 yards, 1 MOA equals 10 inches. When 1.0...
Suppose it to be 10 mils as an example. Instantly, the calculator will show you the result in inches. For our example, it’s 0.01 in. That's it! 😄 🙋 Since all of our calculators work in both directions, you can also use this tool as an inch to mil converter! Explore more...
Knowing the conversion between inches and millimeters can help us get the mil to mm conversion factor. We can recall that 1 inch1 inch is equal to 25.4 mm25.4 mm: 1 mil=25.4 mm1 mil=25.4 mm Thus, we get that the mil to mm conversion factor is: 1 mil=11000⋅(25.4 mm)1 mil=0.02...
forlengthis the metre. 1 metre is equal to 0.0001 mil [Sweden], or 39.370078740157 inch. Note that rounding errors may occur, so always check the results. Use this page to learn how to convert between mil [Sweden] and inches. Type in your own numbers in the form to convert the units...