MIL MIL-STD-202/107-2015 适用范围 进行该测试的目的是确定部件在极端高温和低温下的耐久性,以及在这些极端条件下交替暴露的冲击,例如当设备或部件在北极地区从加热避难所转移时所经历的情况。在低温地区或运输过程中不连续运行的设备中也可能遇到这些情况。虽然最好让样品在指定的暴露时间内达到热稳定性,但为了...
MIL-STD-202G 3.2 Liquid baths. Specimens shall be immersed in a suitable liquid that shall be approved by the qualifying activity (see table 107-IV), at the temperature in step 1 of the specified test condition (see table 107-III) for the time specified in table 107-V. Immediately upon...
MIL-STD-202G METHOD 107G THERMAL SHOCK 1. PURPOSE. This test is conducted for the purpose of determining the resistance of a part to exposures at extremes of high and low temperatures, and to the shock of alternate exposures to these extremes, such as would be experienced when equipment or ...
Test Method 107 Thermal shock– This test looks at how well components resist exposure to extreme high and low temperatures as well as the shock of alternating exposures to these extremes (such as going from a heated room to Arctic areas). ...
MIL-STD-202 Test Method 103 Humidity (solid state) MIL-STD-202 Test Method 104 Immersion MIL-STD-202 Test Method 105 Barometric Pressure MIL-STD-202 Test Method 106 Moisture Resistance MIL-STD-202 Test Method 107 Thermal Shock MIL-STD-202 Test Method 108 Life (at elevated ambient temperature...
MIL-STD-202G METHOD107G THERMALSHOCK 1.PURPOSE.Thistestisconductedforthepurposeofdeterminingtheresistanceofaparttoexposuresat extremesofhighandlowtemperatures,andtotheshockofalternateexposurestotheseextremes,suchaswouldbe experiencedwhenequipmentorpartsaretransferredtoandfromheatedsheltersinarcticareas.Theseconditions ...
MIL-STD-202G NOTICE 1 18 July 2003 TABLE 107-IV. Suggested thermal fluids. 1/ 2/ Test condition Step 1 AA, AA-1, AA-2 fluids FC40 4/ or Water 3/ D02 D02-TS D/80 BB, BB-1, BB-2 Fluids FC77 4/ CC, CC-1, CC-2 fluids FC77 4/ DD, DD-1, DD-2 fluids FC77 4/ 6...
Environment Associates performs ISO 17025 accredited explosive atmosphere testing to MIL-STD-810, MIL-STD-202 & RTCA DO-160 requirements.
condition DD DD-1 DD-2 Temperature °C -65 +0, -10 200 +10, -0 See table 107-V See table 107-V Number of cycles 5 15 25 Time Step REPRINTED WITHOUT CHANGE 3 METHOD 107G 28 March 1984 Downloaded from MIL-STD-202G NOTICE 1 18 July 2003 TABLE 107-IV....
216 MIL-STD-883-5 CHANGE 1-2021 2021-11-18 English TEST METHOD STANDARD TEST PROCEDURES FOR MICROCIRCUITS PART 5: TEST METHODS 5000-5999 217 MIL-PRF-17337G VALID NOTICE 1-2021 2021-11-17 English Webbing, Textile, Woven Nylon 218 MIL-DTL-17/139D (2)-2021 2021-11-17 English CABLE, ...