Randolph MIL-PRF-85285 TYPE I 1 GAL/组 ,Randolph MIL-PRF-85285E, Type I and IV Class H, Gloss 是一种高性能的聚氨酯面漆,符合美国军用标准(MIL-PRF-85285E)。这种涂料设计用于提供卓越的防腐蚀和耐磨性能,特别适用于军事和航空航天应用。 原装进口,库存现货,价格优惠,库存齐全!了解更多特种润滑油产品详...
MILSPRAYPNMIL-SPECTypeClassFed-Std-595 AF24052SPOTMIL-PRF-85285TypeIH24052 AF26173SPOTMIL-PRF-85285TypeIH26173 AF34031SPOTMIL-PRF-85285TypeIH34031 AF36118SPOTMIL-PRF-85285TypeIVH36118 AF36173SPOTMIL-PRF-85285TypeIVH36173 AF36375SPOTMIL-PRF-85285TypeIVH36375 AF37038SPOTMIL-PRF-85285TypeIVH3703...
内容提示: NOT MEASUREMENT SENSITIVE MIL-PRF-85285D w/AMENDMENT 3 2 February 2009 SUPERSEDING MIL-PRF-85285D w/AMENDMENT 2 21 November 2007 PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION COATING: POLYURETHANE, AIRCRAFT AND SUPPORT EQUIPMENT This specification is approved for use by all Departments and Agencies of the ...
MIL PRF-85285 英文别名: MIL PRF-85285 中文名: 中文别名: CBNumber: CB110065748 分子式: 分子量: 0 MOL File: Mol file 化学性质安全信息用途供应商1 MIL PRF-85285化学性质 安全信息 MIL PRF-85285性质、用途与生产工艺 MIL PRF-85285上下游产品信息 ...
Randolph MIL-PRF-85285 TYPE IV是一种双组分高固体份聚氨酯面漆,最大 VOC 为2.2磅/加仑。该产品类型在QPD上获得批准。它是一种用于金属表面的卓越耐久性高光泽外部保护涂料。原装进口,库存现货,价格优惠,库存齐全!了解更多特种润滑油产品详情,欢迎致电:400-879-3341
MIL PRF-85285 基本情報More.. 英語化学名:MIL PRF-85285 化学名:MIL PRF-85285 别名: MIL PRF-85285 CAS番号: 分子式: 分子量:0 EINECS: Mol File:Mol File Browse by Nationality Suppliers JAPAN suppliers United States (1) Member (1) All (1) Eninquiry Recommend You Select Member Companies. ...
Newer, modified topcoats have been indicated in DoD and industry testing to have better weatherability and cleanability than legacy products qualified to the MIL-PRF-85285 specification. However, no requirements or performance criteria existed to determine 'advanced performance' per MIL-PRF-85285. ...
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